ZOOM Art Classes: Update
Brizart is going online with Zoom! Bringing our art classes from our studio to yours!
Unfortunately due to the ongoing health and safety issues arising out of the coronavirus pandemic, Brizart in-person classes will not be running in term 3. We will keep you updated as to when we can re-open. You can also stay up to date with changes as they unfold by following Brizart on Facebook.
During term 2, we have been running online Zoom art classes for the Friday morning Adult classes. These were so successful that we are extending online Zoom Art Classes for both teens and adults in term 3.
To start we will have four classes for teens and adults. Including a teens extension drawing and painting class and an adults building basics art class focusing on landscapes.
ZOOM Art Classes will commence Term 3, 2020. All classes can be paid for and booked online.