Tuesday Evening Art Class for Adults (16+) .
An in-person art class
An in-person art class
This evening art class for adults (16+) is an ongoing term-based class. This means that your enrolment continues for the year unless you give notice that you are not continuing. We ask for 2 weeks’ notice before the commencement of term if you are not returning, so that someone else can enrol. This is of particular importance during this covid time as class numbers are restricted. Fees are paid via the term.
The emphasis is hands-on so there will be demonstrations, discussions, and viewing of relevant selected artworks.
We aim to introduce you to the basics of painting and drawing in a supportive and flexible environment. Flexibility is important. Every class, and every student, is unique. Where necessary and applicable, the course will be adapted and tailored to the ongoing interests and developing expertise of the class and the individual members of the group.
What level is this class aimed at? Tuition will be aimed at beginners to intermediate. Some students who have a strong foundation of the concepts might work on their own projects. In this case, the tutor takes on a mentor role.
The emphasis will be on drawing, painting, and mixed media (2D)
Media: Over a year you will be introduced to a range of painting and drawing media.
Composition: The basic elements of composition and design will be introduced along the way. These are built into everything we do when creating artwork.
Drawing: Over time will cover structural and observational drawing, the versatility of charcoal and graphite.
Studio procedures: Studio practice – stay organised, stay safe, and enjoy art making.
You will be guided through this process with demonstrations and assistance.
Adults Evening Art Class
We provide:
Drawing boards, drawing board props, clips, easels, paper towel, acrylic painting mediums, class sets of paints (acrylic and watercolour) and inks, class sets of brushes, glues, fixative spray and other equipment and materials as required.
You are asked to provide the following:
There is a list of art shops including on-line shops on the Brizart web site: www.brizart.com.au
TO ENROL in the ongoing-term based classes please contact Jennifer via the Contact Page.
You will be sent enrolment details, or you can refer to the details outlined on the Contact Page.
Invoices for these classes are sent out for each term.
Please note that for ongoing term classes enrolment is for the calendar year, which just means that should you need to terminate your enrolment, at least two weeks’ notice is required before the start of term, so that others may use the place in the class.